
Clear Visibility

Clear Visibility


Landlords should provide lighting within the streetscape of a development. Any lighting on the facade may be provided by the landlord or included as part of a signage package. A neighborhood should be clearly lit to offer visibility and safety during nighttime hours.

Lighting from within retail spaces during nighttime hours should be encouraged, both to showcase retail offerings and also add more lighting to the streetscape.


There should be a minimum of 70% facade transparency between 2’ and 10’ above the sidewalk. If the ground floor use requires a degree of privacy (i.e. fitness, cannabis dispensary, etc.), a carefully designed and branded opaque film should be applied so as to still allow natural light into the space. Do not use reflective glass on the ground floor.


Consider providing, or allowing a tenant to install, an operable facade in spaces where a food and beverage use is a priority. If planning for an operable facade from the outset of the design process, provide support for panels; coordinate slab and grade levels with required services. A separate tenant allowance may be preferred for this work, versus the landlord owning this as part of core and shell work.

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