


We are now into double digits on the number of food crawls we’ve done over the years, though as many of you know these trips have become about so much more than just eating and drinking. And Miami was no exception. Of course we had great food and beverage, but core to the trip this year were the wonderful people that met with us and brought Miami to life through their lived experiences, real estate developments, and small businesses.

My dear, friend Joshua Wagner, hosted us at our first (Sweet Liberty) and last (Medium Cool) stops, providing the hospitality he is known for, but more importantly sharing his unique perspective on the best and worst of Miami. Tony Garcia from Street Plans walked us around Little Havana, helping us understand the cultural and regulatory environment in that n’hood and across Miami. Avra Jain shared with us the story and place that is Factory Town, and it is awesome. Matthew Vander Werff graciously welcomed us into the MVW office in Little River, where he talked with us (over cocktails from Jaguar Son) about the history and future of what will soon be one of Miami’s most interesting mixed use districts. Joshua Midgal, founder of Mark Migdal & Hayden (and, like Josh Wagner, one of my best friends of the last 25 years), joined us for dinner at Maty’s to help us understand how all of what we saw fit into the larger context of Miami’s rapidly changing business environment. Then we closed it out with Wagner and his team at Medium Cool, and maybe a few of us made it to The Duece after…Through it all, Drew was there to document it, and he nailed it:


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