Out And About In A Quiet City
Our team is working remotely, in our homes, away from people and places so our city can become healthy again. And if anyone doesn’t understand why we are doing this, refer to this amazing simulation by the Washington Post. I’ve sent it to probably a dozen people in doubt, and it seems to clear things up. From there, it’s up to them to decide if they’re going to help or not.
So, now on board with the whole staying at home thing, you might ask, “Why the F*%K are you out and about?!?” Good question, and I’m not sure my answer is all that great. You could argue that what I was doing wasn’t necessary. But, the reality is that work must go on. Part of my job is to document client sites, and also our city, for Graffito deliverables and also as needed for our clients. I had scheduled three time slots with the FAA to shoot with my drone around Cambridge today, and I figured I could keep up with my obligations while avoiding humans, touch any surfaces, etc…Mission accomplished. While on my way to pick up the drone at GSP HQ, I took a walk around the downtown area with my camera and found the area shockingly mellow, especially for rush hour. It was like being on a movie set, I think. I’ve never been on a movie set. But I imagine that’s what it would be like, long after the last take.
I thought I should share these pictures for a few reasons. First, I think they are interesting. Places that are sparsely populated, that are normally packed with people, is a strange thing to behold. Second, I wanted to show you something that you might never see again in your lifetime. Hopefully we learn from this crisis, and we figure out how to avoid these scenarios in the future. I mean, someone’s got to be paying attention, right? Finally, these photographs prove that Boston can and will get through this. Sad, yes. But dispersing is necessary and it’s proof that we are listening to our local agencies and scientists who are trying to fix our country. Thank you and enjoy. – Drew

March 19, 2020 4:26 pm /
Drew—The pictures tell the story. We hope you and Mindy stay safe and healthy . Best wishes, Robert
March 20, 2020 9:58 am /
Thank you for the comment, Rob. We are hanging in there, keeping busy and doing our best to keep ourselves and others healthy. Talk to you soon!
March 24, 2020 8:53 pm /
These photos are utterly astounding. Thank you for sharing. Wishing you the best.
March 25, 2020 11:46 am /
PJ! Great to hear from you, and thanks for the note.