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Our Blog

Update #12: Another Pivot

At Graffito, we will not be bystanders anymore. We will reinvent ourselves as related to anti-racism, equity, and inclusion. And of all the “pivots” I’ve been writing about in these updates the past few months, this will be the most important one for us.

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Drew’s Rules Of Engagement

I imagine that simple things like taking walks are no longer enjoyable for my wife, as I’m constantly voicing distain for those people walking around without masks and ignoring protocols, many of which I have created in my head and somehow expect others to follow.

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Don’t Step On The Lava

There is so much I could write here about Revival (and Liza)(and Nookie), but for now I just want to callout they way in which they repurposed and beautified their patio for pick-up and proper queueing with the help of their favorite local muralist, Chloe Rubenstein.

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Restaurant Retrofits Week 6: The Twofer, the Finish-at-Home Phenomenon, and the Aesthetic Refinement of Contactless Pickup

We’re at the point where the novelty of getting takeout has worn off, people are antsy to get outside, and everyone’s more than a little anxious about what the future holds. It’s also fair to say that when it comes to takeout, particularly from finer dining establishments, people are expecting more. It’s not always clear what more precisely, but more.

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